The Board of Directors has prioritized the right of shareholders; and the company has implemented the policy of corporate governance by taking into account the rights of shareholders as follows:

Structure of Shareholders

The shareholding structure between the company and its subsidiaries is clear and transparent, the names, amounts and shareholdings of the Major Shareholders of the company and its subsidiaries are disclosed in Form 56-1 and the Annual Report.

Promoting the Exercise of Rights of Shareholders

The company has the process of maintaining and protecting the rights of shareholders. From the process of formulating good corporate governance policy, taking into account the rights of shareholders and encouraging shareholders to exercise such rights, the basic rights of shareholders after trading securities. The right to receive dividends by supervising care and coordination between shareholders the Registrar of Thailand Securities Depository Co., Ltd. (TSD). The company has providing the responsible authorities to handle inquiries and facilitate shareholders regarding registration. In addition, the company has supported the active roles of shareholders in the shareholders’ meetings including the right to attend the meeting, the right to vote, and the expression of opinions so that shareholders will have active participation in considering the crucial matters. In addition, the company has policy to facilitate and encourage the shareholders

Facilitating the exercise of shareholders’ meeting and supporting the exercise of voting rights of shareholders

The company facilitates the shareholders to attend the meeting and fully exercise their rights the voting right in meetings and has refrained from any actions, which may impair their opportunities to attend meetings; and has managed to promote the exercise of rights of shareholders before, during, and after the date of shareholders’ meetings. These adhere in compliance with principles and guidelines specified in “AGM Checklist”, prescribed by the Thai Investors Association, the Association of Listed Companies, and the Securities and Exchange Commission by which, the company has been evaluated the arrangement of AGM 2019 at the Excellent level of 96%.